Monday, September 24, 2012

Analyzing Advertisement

Critical Literary Approach:
Whose views are represented? The main view that is being represented or advertised is the Coca Cola, the product. The aim/audience is people who are thirsty or interested in a cold beverage.

What are the intentions of the message? Drinking a cold beverage on a sunny day could help refresh you.

Whose interests are served? Men and women. Men would be attracted from the sexiness of the woman in the advertisement. Women would want to be as sexy and attractive as the woman in the ad.

What are the cultural assumptions being made in relation to content of the piece (in relation to the assumed audience)? Wearing less clothing and revealing clothing is attractive.

What voices or perspectives are left out of the piece? The voices/perspectives that are being left out are the audience’s or other people besides from the members of the same organization of coke.

Aesthetic Approach:
What is your impression of the piece? The attractive lady in the swimming suit sitting on a hot beach holding a coca cola bottle. However, she looks delighted because she has a coke. It is also stated at the top of the poster, big and attract attention, “Thirst asks nothing more”. In addition, they also put coca cola logo at the left bottom corner to remind people of their brand.

What is the tone or atmosphere of the piece? The atmosphere the advertisement creates is a hot weather by using the beach environment and the beautiful lady in the picture (connotations of the word ‘thirst’ relating to the lady)

What is the effect of the particular imagery, diction, metaphor, color or layout? The imagery creates a feeling of lust and sexual hunger for the male viewers and the diction used possesses a hidden context. The color and layout of the advertisement is vintage and classic, with a slogan and captions that capture the main ideas and intentions of the product. The quote at the top and the quote at the bottom holds an attraction towards the audience and catches the audience's’ eyes.

What ideas or feelings does the creator wish to convey?  How are these ideas suggested or portrayed/presented? The creator try to make coke the first thought when thirsty. They are trying to convey the customer that coke is the only choice; the words in the heading itself already provoke “Thirst asks nothing more”. Also, inside the coca cola logo in the bottom left hand corner also state that coca cola is “delicious and refreshing”. In the image, the lady looks like she is sitting on a hot beach, but she is refreshed by coca cola; nevertheless, it is also delicious as you can see from her face.

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