Monday, March 25, 2013

My American Dream: 10 AWESOME GOALS IN MY LIFE

After I graduate: 

1. Get into an awesome college and an awesome university.

2. Grow taller (170 cm+++) and have an awesome body shape, and by body shape, I mean an awesome six pack.

3. Keep my records clean  (from weed, drugs, cigarettes, etc. etc.). 

4. Try to earn some [$$$CASH$$$] for my family.

5. Have lots of fun in sports, games, socializing and all that sort of jazz.  

Lifelong goals:

6. Live an awesome and long healthy life while loving the awesome people around me, including my family members, friends, and you too, Mr. Marrinson.

7. Travel around the world or as much as possible -To go destinations include, Paris, the city of Love, meeting the Montagues/Capulets at Verona, the city of Perth in Australia, go diving at Maldives and so so so so many more.

8. Be fun, be wild, be free before my marriage ends it all. Most importantly -be rich.

9. Find the love of my life, my soul mate, my wife, my soul maid, blah blah blah.

10. Enjoy the little things.


  1. These dreams are amazing! I could have never thought of it myself. It really reflects who you are and it just has so many literally meaning to it. It explains so much of who you are and it is the perfect example of what people of your caliber may have in mind. Hands down the best and most original dreams ever!

  2. Your dreams seems tough yet its still achievable. City of Perth seems like a great idea (Perth visiting Perth). Keep going at it man, I bet you will surely achieve your dreams.

  3. Awesome dreams Perth! I think that you could achieve some of the goals within your life. Keep positive and keep dreaming!

  4. Perth, you're very unique and remarkable in the way that you want to keep your records clean (from weed, cigs...). Overall, you have very interesting dreams. I hope you will be able to fulfill those dreams in the futre.

  5. haha. very punny, perthh. I never knew your records were cleannn?! jokingg I really like your dreams and i hope all of them come true, some less likely than others *ahem*170 cm*ahem*. okay, but seriously ALL your dreams are possible, I hope in 20-30 years time we would still be in touch and I would see you accomplishing all these goals! :)

  6. Hi Perth, you have so many interesting dreams which I truly wish they will come true someday. I want to meet the Montagues and Capulets at Verona too!

  7. You can earn some cash by selling weeds, we can be partnership, and give up on your third goal. I was joking. You have a very interesting dreams. Enjoy the little things, is the best of living your life. i hope your dreams come true

  8. Everyone should enjoy the little things in their life and not look over them, without some of the little things that have happened, the big things may have not been possible.

  9. Thank you for sharing you dreams, Perth! Like Dao, I appreciate your sense of humor while writing your goals, especially to where you will travel. However, I don't want to know what will happen if you visit to highly elevated Lake Titicaca ( The punning stops there. :)
    One bit of advice: from what Bank said, it sounds as if you should stay away from him if you want to fully realize #3. Just saying.
