Thursday, August 15, 2013

What's Wrong with EDUCATION?

What's wrong with education?

In my opinion, I believe that "education" in the present is simply just a way of sucking money from pockets of hardworking parents who thrive to push their children to a successful future.

Education comes in packages with brand names, and we all know that things that are stamped with a famous brand name comes with a But not just any average money; lots and lots and lots of money. Famous ivy league schools like Harvard and Yale could be compared to a bag from Yves Saint Laurent or Louis Vuitton. While  lower rank university could be compared with a bag from Nike or Adidas. Does a Nike or an Adidas bag look good? Yes. But if you see a person wearing a shoe from Prada and another person wearing a shoe from, lets say Puma; who would you think have better style? Many of the people would say Prada. They're both shoes, why are the opinions of people different when they see different brands? Universities are like this. They are a brand and you are their product. Receiving a degree from Cambridge or Harvard would make you look smarter and better than someone who receives a degree from John Hopkins. Why? They're both universities with a standard curriculum, but why would it be stereotypical that someone finishing from Harvard is brighter than someone from John Hopkins. Its all about the brand. The university you finish from is similar to your rank in society. Al though it might be true in some parts that higher ranked universities might have better teachers, facilities and all, but at the end of the day, its about the student. Top universities have become a way for rich people to have a good looking profile. If you were really, really smart, but had very little money, you wouldn't be able to apply to these universities, which is not fair. It simply shows that money COULD buy everything, even education. If you were born a genius, but had no money at all, what could you do? Education is a business, and the main goal or the purpose for a business to exist is to make profit.

In my opinion, I believe that the idea of education has changed. In the past, people used to go to school for actual education, meaning that they would want to learn and discover things, but now, as the world grows and as globalization spreads; the purpose of going to school is shifting from going to school to learn into going to school to achieve good grades. I bet if you asked a hundred students what they want out of school, not more than five of them would say education or knowledge. Most of them would say, "A good grade" "A 4.0++ GPA." This is because there are increasing amounts of people every year and competition is increasing. Getting a good grade out of school meant that they would have a shot of having a good job or being rich in the future, despite the fact that if they are smart or not. Your job in school is no longer to learn but to make your transcript look as good as possible through studying tests on long nights and forgetting it the day after or doing activities and sports that you don't even enjoy, just to make you look good and social. Some people even cheat or find loopholes that could help make them "look" like they are intelligent just to be accepted into a high ranking college.

I just wish that we were back in the old days where people actually went to school to explore the new concepts and discover new and amazing things we never knew before. Like in elementary school where everything was so new and cool and god knows what amazing. But it is the children's job to complete or carry the legacy of their parents and become successful as an adult. Welcome to the new world.

R.I.P education, you have served us well.

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